Partner 1: LMD/IPSL, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (UMR8539, CNRS/ Sorbonne Université / Ecole Polytechnique / Ecole Normal Supérieur). LMD is a leading laboratory in the theory, observation and numerical modelling of atmospheric dynamics and physics. It has a strong expertise in atmospheric radiation, in particular for remote sensing and numerical modelling of other planetary atmospheres. Two teams are involved in the project. The first, EMC3, hosted by “Sorbonne Université”, develops the general circulation model LMDZ, the atmospheric component of the IPSL Earth-System-Model, and studies the processes that govern climate variability and change. The second team, ABCt, is hosted by Ecole Polytechnique and specializes in the study of interaction between atmosphere and radiation in order to establish long time series of essential climate variables observed by remote sensing. It has developed several radiative transfer codes and manages the GEISA spectroscopic databases.
Partner 2: LAPLACE, Laboratoire PLAsma and Conversion d’Energie (UMR5213, CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier /Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse) is the first French concentration of research in the field of Electrical Engineering and Plasma nationally with 160 fulltime researchers and a similar number of PhD students and postdocs. Within LAPLACE, the research activities of GREPHE (Groupe de Recherche Energétique, Plasma et Hors-Equilibre) lie at the interface between engineering, physics and fundamental technological issues are also addressed. Most of the physical systems that are studied are non-equilibrium or far from equilibrium. Modelling and simulation are an essential part of the group’s activities and the group has developed an expertise in the modelling of non equilibrium plasmas (for a wide variety of applications) and radiation transport. LAPLACE has a collaboration contract with the Meso-Star start-up to provide an engineering support for the development of the EDStar platform.
Partner 3: IRIT, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (UMR5505 CNRS, UT3/UT1/UT2/INPT). IRIT is the lead center of research in Computer Science in Midi-Pyrenees and one of the bigger computer science research center in France. With 270 researchers and research professors, on a global workforce of 700 people, research activities cover the whole range of computer science, from theoretical to finalized research. Within IRIT, the STORM research group, develops its activities in the field of Computer Graphics. From geometric modeling to lighting simulation for realistic rendering, the STORM people aims at developing computationally efficient models and tools for digital content creation and edition. By developing robust mathematical models, data structure and low complexity algorithms, the STORM research group address theoretical and practical bottlenecks on efficient sampling and reconstruction strategies for Monte Carlo simulation algorithms as well as multi-scale, feature guided, geometric reconstruction from acquired data.
Sub-contractor: Meso-Star.